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Dr. Gaul's been giving courses for almost two decades! A big collection of in person workshops and seminars has now given way to the modern online format. We'll be adding to the course list every year as we update and digitize our most popular natural health courses. 
Start Here, Start Now
18 webinar series

Start Here, Start Now is the distance webinar course Dr. Gaul created for all those who want to learn about cultivating healthy habits and want to know the best information about natural health and prevention. This is an 18 webinar series about everything from diet to poop, bone health to genetics.

4 Course Series

One of the longest running courses Dr. Gaul has given, the Homeopathic series is full of useful information about homeopathy and its uses for self-care at home. Each course builds upon the previous one.


Homeopathy I -- First Aid Homeopathy

Homeopathy II - Acute Care Homeopathy

Homeopathy III - The Main Constitutional Remedies 

Homeopathy IV - Looking at Constitutionals Through Remedy Families

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